Starting Wednesday March 16, 2016 the planning committee will meet every Third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM in the Miami Town Hall Council Chambers. Beginning in March 1, 2017 we will meet briefly every Wednesday the planning committee will meet briefly at the Miami Town Hall lobby at 4:30 PM.
Chair Persons and Contacts
Bloomtown Spree: Jose (Angel) Medina Sr. (928) 200-0820
Parade; Sharon Licano and Darryl Dalley. (928) 701-5044
Vendors and Concessions: Barbara Kanagaard. (928) 473-3232
Entertainment: Michael Twenty Three.
Car Show: Debbie Hiibel. (928) 200-3167
Town of Miami: Application Forms Location (928) 473-4403
GILA COUNTY DIVISION of HEALTH and EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Globe Office: 5515 S Apache Ave, Suite 100, Globe, AZ 85501 | Phone: (928) 402-8811